Linguine (organic) Image

Linguine (organic)

A long strand pasta, linguini is slightly thicker than spaghetti and can be used in traditional spaghetti recipes. The root of the word linguini means ‘tongue’ and linguini means ‘little tongue.’ The selected semolina wheat used in this pasta is strictly of Italian origin and of the best quality, including the Senatore Capelli variety which…

White Cow Parmigiano Reggiano DOP Image

White Cow Parmigiano Reggiano DOP

Caseificio Rosola di Zocca’s Bianco Modenese (White Cow) Parmigiano Reggiano has a soft, straw-yellow color and a granular texture. The taste is rich and dense but full of subtlety. Its strength is offset by a well-balanced velvety butter feeling. The essences of the Appennine meadows offer intense and persistent aromas. The White Modenese cow milk…

Spaghetti (organic) Image

Spaghetti (organic)

The word spaghetti come from the word ‘spago’ which means ‘string’ in Italian. The selected semolina wheat used in this pasta is strictly of Italian origin and of the best quality, including the Senatore Capelli variety which is renowned for cooking to al-dente. It also gives the pasta a golden color. Bronze cut pasta molds…

Vesuvio (organic) Image

Vesuvio (organic)

Vesuvio is a pasta version of Mt. Vesuvius, the stratovolcano in the Gulf of Naples best known for its eruption in the first century. The selected semolina wheat used in this pasta is strictly of Italian origin and of the best quality, including the Senatore Capelli variety which is renowned for cooking to al-dente. It…

MonnaLisa Fiorita Image

MonnaLisa Fiorita

A soft Pecorino cheese made with sheep milk, MonnaLisa Fiorita (meaning “flourish” or “flower”) is named for the edible flourishing rind of this type of cheese. This is part of a Piedmont tradition that makes a milder version of the Tuscan sheep’s milk white mold rind. For Fiorita, the rennet is added to the milk,…

MonnaLisa Grottino Image

MonnaLisa Grottino

Roughly 60 days after processing, SALCIS selects the best cheeses and moves them into natural caves of rock and tuff (a rock made up of volcanic ash). The cheese rinds are coated with flaxseed oil and hay for protection, and set to rest on pine wood shelves. Each cheese is monitored and turned at least…

MonnaLisa Foglie di Noce Image

MonnaLisa Foglie di Noce

Aging cheese in walnut leaves is in keeping with the tradition of the Siena area’s forefathers who used this method to preserve Pecorino during the warm months. The protection offered by the leaves allows the cheese to age slowly, taking on strong and antique flavor characteristics that are long forgotten among other Pecorinos. Serve with…

MonnaLisa Trebbione Image

MonnaLisa Trebbione

The flavor of this raw sheep’s milk cheese changes during the year according to the pasture-land and the sheeps’ diet. It is characterized by a strong personality with a hay-colored rind, and is covered in hay as it matures. This cheese is not heated or pasteurized, thereby maintaining many characteristics of the sheep’s milk. Production…



SALCIS was founded in 1941 during WWII with the goal of unifying the Tuscan Salamis producers in the area of Siena. The Morbidi family, which owns SALCIS today, traces its ownership back to Armando Morbidi, a society founder and owner of many Siena shops beginning in 1925. In the 1960s, the Society started its own…

Mafalde (organic) Image

Mafalde (organic)

In Naples, Mafalde were once known as ‘Fettucelle of the Rich’ and subsequently dedicated to Princess Mafalda of Savoy and renamed “Mafaldine”. These are long, wide, flat noodles with rippled edges that are narrower than lasagna but able to stand up to a rich cream or meat sauce. If tossing with sauce, lasagna and mafalde…