This beautiful marinated mature sheep’s milk cheese brings an authentic taste of Spain to your table. A staple that adorns tapas bar counters, Manchego cheese marinated in extra virgin olive oil combines two signature flavors of Spanish gastronomy into one. Quesos de Hualdo takes their mature Manchego Artesano (aged a minimum of 10 months) and…
This rich and luscious sheep’s milk cheese spread is made by blending a mixture of moncedillo original soft paste cheese with the aged cheese into a cream that is aromatized with fresh rosemary and a touch of brandy. This is a perfect snack spread for your next picnic; it pairs well with picos, cured meats…
This “agridulce” balsamic vinegar made from a 60/40 blend of the Marques de Valdueza Estate’s own red wine vinegar produced in 2013 and grape must concentrate, cellared since 2007. EU labeling restrictions obliged MdV to call the agridulce vinegar “balsamic”, but don’t think “Aceto di Modena”. This is a different product: a finishing vinegar that…
The debut of this special cheese is 11 years in the making! This is a new and different Spanish blue cheese, matured for six months in an underground cellar on the banks of the Nalón River in Asturias. Raw cow’s milk curds are cut by hand with blue green Penicillium roqueforti, salted, kneaded, and molded…
Pi is the softest of the cheeses made with raw milk from the many free roaming Manchega sheep on the Hualdo Farm. The wheels are left with more moisture in the curd at the time of draining, which allows its texture to soften. Pi has a rough moldy/bloomy rind with blue-green hints from the growth…
Lambda is a semi-soft sheep’s milk cheese made with raw milk from the many free roaming Manchega sheep on the Hualdo Farm. The wheels are left with more moisture in the curd at the time of draining, which allows its texture to soften. Lambda has a soft pinkish-orange washed rind and a pungent aroma. Its…
This is a traditional Manchego cheese made with raw milk from the many free roaming Manchega sheep on the Hualdo Farm. The wheels are turned and brushed regularly (on wooden boards, which imparts a woody, vegetal flavor) throughout their maturation. The color of the paste deepens as it ages. This cheese has a firm and…
Sigma is an aged sheep’s milk cheese reminiscent of alpine traditions aged on wooden boards. Exposing the curds to temperatures over 40ºC imparts toasted, buttery pastry and toffee notes. Sigma has a natural, brushed rind with a supple paste. On the palate is fermented butter, cereal, and sweetness. Sigma is aged for 7 months.
Finca Hualdo is an innovative full-cycle farming project in Toledo. They control all aspects of production (raising and milking the sheep as well as cheesemaking) and are committed to the vitality of their farming ecosystem. They milk their sheep twice a day in a new facility with excellent quality control. Hualdo has over 2,000 Manchega…
Romero is made with sheep’s milk and cured with Manchego rosemary leaves for at least six months. It offers an irresistible flavor with a rosemary aroma that makes it unique and original. The rosemary is collected in the mountains of La Mancha, which gives it an unbeatable class and distinction. In addition, it is an…